“Cornucopia” is inspired by the increasingly precarious labor circumstances for artists and art professionals in Greece, looking to comment on the endless demand and consumption of creative products, while the very subjects involved in the arts cannot support themselves financially. At the same time, artistic production is taken for granted in a country that prides itself on having a rich culture, when people working in the cultural sector have little to no funding to sustain themselves and their practice. In this light, the eight participating artists are reflecting on their position at the center of the society of spectacle, showcasing creative interpretations of a lived experience in the cultural field. Sticking to their own style, means, and character, each person has chosen to approach the topic in a symbolic, poignant, or playful way, seeking to renegotiate their identity in a time of false affluence. Curated by @elli_leventaki
With the support of @kyveli and @lidalie
photos by @thanassisgatos