Excavated”, a collaborative video performance by Tampakis Dimitris and @konstanza_k , explores alternative perceptions of archaeology, the body of the archaeologist, and notions of gesture and imprint. The performance resulted in a video presentation at the TAG2019 conference at ucl London, a documentation video for the ASFA open studios 2020 mfa_asfa , and a sculpture.
Special thanks to Vitoria Kotsalou and the MOUNT project for sharing that mountain of clay.

︎︎︎“EXCAVATED” - Athens School of Fine Arts - Open Studio
︎︎︎Nostalgia for lost futures - 2019 TAG - Archaeology and the camera truelle

Sixteen excavated tests arranged on @mfa_asfa cabinets, a network of textures and curio sculptures. An assembly of artifacts made by clay,plaster, tar and pigments on a first attempt to create a cabinet of curiosities. September 2020